Stop Punishing Yourself

SPY 34: Deserving vs. Committing

Ellicia Turner Episode 34

Here’s a wild concept I want you to consider.

The universe, God, whatever life force you believe to be in charge of things.. is not out here dividing and distributing some portions to the deserving folk, while withholding other portions from the undeserving folk.

Portions could mean anything. Portions of money, portions of joy, portions of success, appreciation, love—you name it.

That’s not how this loving, natural, magical world works, ya’ll.

That may be how you were unconsciously TAUGHT to think life works, but IT’S NOT.

(that IS how supremacy ideals work doh) (and they are working-working cuz they ARE the foundation of our western society) (and that alone is enough to make my tender heart ache)

If you wake up feeling stressed, frustrated, behind, worthless, resentful but then at the end of the day you aren’t doing ANYTHING tangible to help yourself feel more calm, present, worthy, and empowered— then YOU’RE PROBABLY A REDNECK.

Just kidding.

What I meant to say is you’re probably a victim to this “deserving mentality.”

I, too, am a victim of this category.

(And I can promise you, it shows up AND JUMPS RIGHT OUT AT YOU the minute you try to make transformative changes in your life.)

You see, this deserving mentality is only sometimes conscious.

And that’s usually when we think we DON’T deserve something GOOD.

”I can’t just quit my job and follow my real passions, that’s insane.”

”I don’t have time to take a walk outside everyday and meditate.”

”I wish I could travel there/buy that/receive this amazing/transformative thing my whole ass soul really wants, but I can’t afford it right now.”

You want the magic truth telling translation of all that BOOHOCKEY?

Here it is.


What the fuck does that even mean?????S?SFDSDCLAKSD

Says who?!

(cough, patriarchy, capitalism, puritanism, toxic supremacy culture, sneeze, sniffle, snort)

We are so absorbed with this idea of needing to “deserve” something before we can have it or become it.

We haven’t even stopped to question the origins or legitimacy of this concept.

”YOU’RE A BASTARD, I SAY!”— me talking to this concept.

What’s even worse is, the majority of this mentality is unconscious and actually more focused on how you DO deserve the BAD things that happen to you.

It’s never been a matter of what you deserve.

Hog wash.

It’s always been a matter of what you’re willing to commit to.

You have to learn to replace all your old ideas of deservingness with NEW ideas of powerful, personal commitment.

Commitment that inspires rapid internal & external transformation.

And guess what’s required in order to actually have the skill of following through on commitment?


Unshaming yourself and creating a solid, self-loving relationship to you.

(warning: this takes time)
(not an overnight make over like the tvs do)
(I can teach you how to create that in 24 weeks of awesome sauce work together)

Listen to today’s FULL episode of Stop Punishing Yourself below to learn more about the art of COMMITTING, in this land full of psychotic notions of deservingness.



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