Stop Punishing Yourself

SPY 27: How To Be Naive

Ellicia Turner Episode 27

To our ego, being naive is equivalent to being the sacrificial lamb about to be tossed into the flames.

It’s dangerous, frightening, and intolerable.

Our ego would much prefer that we already know everything—and be good at it—simply to create a sense of certainty, because that feels like safety to our primitive brain.

I want to offer that the ego has this completely backwards.

When we are unwilling to be naive, unwilling to admit that we DON’T know everything, all while refusing to be a beginner at something NEW, we cut ourselves off from growth and expansion in a detrimental way.

We live in a mental prison of limitation and frustration.

We create a massive amount of insecurity, judgment, and comparison… leading to a disconnect within ourselves and within our connections outside of us.

This is far more dangerous in reality.

Because feeling constantly cut off from “home,” from YOURSELF is the scariest place to be.

It has us acting out of FEAR instead of calmness.

It has reacting with irrational impulses instead of responding with clarity and self awareness.

I dug myself into some pretty deep HOLES (cough--jail) from this place.

It wasn’t safe at all.

You know what is safe?

Allowing myself to be naive.

Often. Frequently.

Allowing myself the discomfort of not knowing everything about everything and choosing to be a beginner anyway.

It’s much safer to let myself feel uncertain occasionally so I can open myself up to more growth and awareness as opposed to pretending I already know all and do not need “help.”

The ego gets humbled and bruised, but my soul replaces it in the drivers seat.

I think that’s what most people want.

They want their soul in charge of their lives--not fear and suffering.

They want to live out of a safe, deep connection to themselves so they can truly connect to others.

But an unwillingness to be naive and admit that we are always beginners in progress, we are always learning more about how to be human, can keep us from the very thing we want.

Listen to today’s episode for my simple 4 step process on how to be naive so you can put your soul back in the drivers seat of your life.

Click here to book a free consult with me.