Stop Punishing Yourself

SPY 17: The Candy Land of Decision Making

Ellicia Turner Episode 17

Hello my fellow earthling.

If you have a hard time making quick decisions or getting unstuck, this is the episode for you.

The reason your brain spins out in indecision and confusion is because you haven’t given it a clear destination to move toward yet.

This defined destination must come first in order for you to get out of the overwhelm and anxiety and back into the groove of deciding with confidence and clarity.

Making decisions is simple.

It’s about as simple as playing a hand in Candy Land.

You make one move, one step, one turn at a time.

You manage your urges.

You don’t give up if a turn doesn’t go exactly how you wanted it to.

And you DEFINITELY don’t use the moves you’re making as an excuse to beat yourself up and say, “I can’t do anything right, I’m worthless. I’ll never get what I want.”

When you are caught up in a high volume of negative emotions without knowing how to manage them, these simple and straightforward moves can feel like advanced level calculus.

(hello has anyone lost their cool playing board games before?….like…yeah)

The good news is they’re simple.

You don’t need to learn calculus, you just need to learn how to manage your brain and negative emotions better.

Negative emotions left on high plus an unmanaged brain equals you trying to cheat the feeling fear…which makes the fear grow bigger and keeps you more stuck.


That’s the only math involved.

You can’t cheat fear, you can only learn how to face it with more authority and confidence—it will always be around.

Listen to today’s full podcast episode to hear more about The Candy Land of Decision Making. 

As always, I appreciate your support AND your feedback, if you enjoy the episode, share it with a friend and leave a quick review on your favorite podcast platform.

Life can feel as simple as playing Candy Land my friend.

Let it be that simple.

Sending love, 


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