Stop Punishing Yourself

SPY 15: The Power of Personal Transformation Questions

Ellicia Turner Episode 15

I used to go out to the bars on the weekends A LOT more than I do now.

I was very eager to go drink some booze—as fast as I could— to finally take the edge off of my debilitating anxiety that I’d been suppressing all week.

 And while I got ready, I spent A LOT of time thinking about and focused on how I looked.

This alone consumed at least an hour of my life (sometimes more) before I left my house.

I remember feeling so stressed about what I wore, how I looked.

My anxiety would be through the roof as I panic rumbled through my closet and screamed, ‘WHY DO I NEVER HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO WEAR!!”

(it’s a very strange sensation to remember doing this because I NEVER spend brain power on this anymore. I also used to excessively buy clothes I would later throw away because I was trying to legit buy my happiness 😵‍💫)

I would base my decision on what I wore that evening off of what I thought OTHER people would like the most.

Would they approve of me?

Would they find this acceptable?

Would THEY think this is worthy enough/”in” enough?

Even if an outfit cut into my ribs and squeezed my gut so tightly it affected my digestive system, I wouldn’t give a fuck.

I walked out of the door in complete emotional and physical disarray, anyway.

Because my criteria was never,

Do I approve of me?

Do I find me acceptable?

Do I think I am worthy enough?

I would end up choosing your basic bitch outfit that pinterest had cooked up EVEN IF it felt wildly uncomfortable on me.

This is the kind of action you take when you don’t care about or prioritize how you treat yourself.

Had I asked myself the latter questions, I may have made a different outfit choice.

But I was stuck in the context of survival mode, so I didn’t see that a different option was available to me.

On today’s podcast episode, I am telling you the three personal transformation questions I ask on my free consults.

I’m also covering how to tell if you are actually READY to commit to getting yourself unstuck and out of survival mode.


A commitment to a growth mindset is required to get out of “stuck.”

A commitment to the art and science of coaching is required to get out of “stuck.”

A commitment to your own personal transformation is required to get out of “stuck.”

I explain what all of this means and more on today’s Stop Punishing Yourself episode, go listen now on apple or spotify by clicking below.

I want you to know, how you are treating yourself, matters.

You deserve to be treated like the sacred, precious, powerful ass human that you are, always.

I love you, 


P.S. Guess what! I used to treat myself like absolute dog poo, and now I cry about how worthy and deserving I am of all the amazing things in life. It’s never too late to dramatically turn things around for yourself. It’s just a matter of how bad you want it. If I can make that shift, so can you. Let me help you make that shift faster than your brain realizes is possible. Go to to start now.