Stop Punishing Yourself

SPY 14: Start from Sufficiency

Ellicia Turner Episode 14

Back when I worked at a high end restaurant in downtown Anchorage, I didn’t have to clock in until 3 or 4 pm most days.

Never having to set an alarm or rush out of the door by 8am was one of the main reasons I LOVED this job.

I love and value (still do) slow, easy mornings.

The irony was, I never actually experienced the slow, easy mornings I wanted because I was so consumed with anxiety and self abusive thought patterns.

Every morning when I woke up, I looked over at my alarm clock, and I was immediately flooded with anxiety.

I had thoughts like:

OMG it’s so late already! I slept too long! I don’t have enough time to get anything done now. I’m running behind. I wasted the day! I’m the worst.

I wasn’t even AWARE of how immersed I was in a state of lack and scarcity.

I was seeking out evidence for not enoughness the SECOND I opened my eyes (and even before I went to bed as I explain in today’s podcast episode).

This drained my energy and motivation.

This left me more exhausted and feeling more inadequate, daily.

This is where most people are living from, and I want to help change that.

Pulling yourself out of this mindset—all by yourself—is no walk in the park.

That’s why I want to help make this shift easier (and quicker and way more FUN) for you.

It doesn’t have to take you months and months of trying and failing to finally get out of this mindset like it did for me.

It doesn’t have to take an obsessively curated 10-step action plan and changing all of your daily “habits” to get out of this mindset.

 You actually don’t have to change ANY habits (and you probably shouldn’t attempt to change anything until you successfully get back to sufficiency).

Acknowledging and accepting that you are enough, just as you are RIGHT NOW, is easier said than done.

Appreciating and focusing on everything within you that is already so powerful and successful, is easier said than done.

I don’t want you stuck in easier said than done forever.

I want it done for you.


And I know how to get you to done, fast. 

I know how to anticipate and prevent those giant ditches your brain wants to drive straight into. 

I know how to save you time, energy, money, and brainpower by helping you START from sufficiency.

Stop letting your brain keep building momentum behind lack and scarcity. 

Start building momentum behind sufficiency. 

It’s all available to you NOW. 

Listen to today’s full podcast episode to learn more. 


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